If you have some doubts about the shipping here we will lay out some information regarding this topic, to clarify the important thing to keep in mind


  • For international shippings, there might be extra charges(handling fees, duties, taxes) that could be charged at the delivery, some locations are in some carriers specifications that could clarify if you will be charged or not, the reciever is responsable to pay these extra charges,
  • Please verify your address, to avoid any delays or returned packages is very important that you write everything correctly, keep in mind that for international shippings it would help better if you use an english translation for the locations, sometimes orders can get delayed because some foreign characters can not be process correctly.
  • if there is a return order, we will email to you as soon as we have the notification and let you know the current status.

If you have more questions don't hesitate to contact us, we will respond as soon as possible.